A Small Taster

Lonely Woman.

Ménage à Trois (The Threesome)

His fantasy to spice things up and make things more exciting for him was to have a threesome! He wanted to watch me have sex with his best mate! Bryan begged me for months and the idea completely disgusted me. I was still in love with him, but was he really in love with me as a person or just as a possession? Why did he want me to have sex with another man?
'I just couldn’t get my head around it'
He eventually bullied me into it and it was one of the worst mistakes that I have ever made.
I went upstairs to the bathroom, got changed into this so-called sexy gear – a white silky Basque, white stockings and I also touched up my make-up. I was now on automatic pilot. Suddenly I had second thoughts. I just wanted to run downstairs, out into the street and never turn back. I felt like a desperate prostitute who was just about to carry out her first ‘trick’. I was dreading this and didn’t want to go ahead with this perverse fantasy of his. What the hell was I doing? Just to prove how much I loved him? Go against all of my values and to ‘sell my soul to the devil’?

The Day After The Night Before

I climbed onto it and lay back, closing my eyes. She took my knickers down and started her work.
I felt so degraded, dirty, disgusting and cheap. I kept telling myself that none of this was my fault, except perhaps for being very naïve and desperate for a job. With my eyes closed I tried to think of nice things to distract myself from being poked and probed with instruments. Finally my ordeal was over.