

I am a 54 year old woman who has suffered with Mental Health issues for most of my life.

Across nearly thirty years, I jotted down notes and memories of turning points and reflective thoughts about my life. The most creative time for me is in the early hours, at “silly o’clock” – I like to call it, when nobody else is awake.
Soul Survivor follows my life’s journey of dreams of freedom, happiness and search for success. I open my heart and bare my soul throughout my book.
For you or those you know, that have experienced emotional or sexual abuse, and might have thought about running away, please read this.
If you have suffered with any Mental Health problems during your life, this might help you in some way. It was only after training as a Mental Health First Aider at work, that I recognised many of the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in me. Verging on a breakdown, I forced myself to seek professional help, and my doctor confirmed what I already knew. I was suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
I was feeling shell-shocked and scared, because I had convinced myself that I had blocked out my traumas and they were dead and buried. I then made a conscious decision to focus on completing my book and my motivation being to help others. I do not want you to feel sad or even sorry for me, because unless I had experienced what follows, I would not have become the strong person that I am today.